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Whirlpool Corporation has been on the market for over a century. The Whirlpool factory in Łódź was established in 2018. The clothes dryers produced here are mainly sold in Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Benelux countries. This plant is one of the most modern in the EMEA region, employing around 500 people and producing over 1,000,000 devices per year.


The Whirlpool plant in Łódź decided to implement autonomous forklifts to improve internal transport processes between the production area and the warehouse area.


The Whirlpool management team was looking for a solution to streamline the implementation of the internal transport process. It was decided to implement the solution using autonomous forklift technology. The selected solution had to meet not only the criteria of safety, efficiency, and performance. The future work environment of AGV vehicles was very dynamic and diverse. The biggest challenge was cooperation in a space with high pedestrian cross traffic.
The assumption was to find a solution for horizontal transport of pallets and pallet containers.


Inovatica AGV proposed the implementation of autonomous forklifts to automate the process of delivering pallets with components to the internal warehouse. After analyzing the proposed solution, Whirlpool selected Inovatica AGV as the supplier of autonomous trucks, which were adapted to the specific requirements of the warehouse. Both companies are based in Łódź, which greatly facilitated order handling and mutual cooperation.

Implementation process:

Analysis and planning: Inovatica AGV, together with Whirlpool, performed an analysis of the production and warehouse areas that were indicated for automation. Routes, logistics points and parameters of the trolley movement (AGV routes) were planned.
Infrastructure integration: Based on the analysis of the scope of tasks, Inovatica AGV designed appropriate button cassettes for handling AGV orders by operators, as well as the necessary sensors supporting the work of AGV vehicles. Together with Whirlpool, the warehouse infrastructure and markings of the routes on which the AGV moves were adapted.
Programming and testing: The autonomous trolleys were programmed to perform tasks, appropriately react to obstacles and maintain safety. Numerous tests were carried out to adapt the navigation and location algorithms to the specifics of the warehouse.
Staff training: Ensuring the highest safety standards, as well as proper cooperation with the new machines, production employees, process operators and warehouse workers were trained in the safe cooperation with autonomous trolleys and monitoring their operation.
Pilot: Autonomous trolleys were introduced in the designated area of ​​the warehouse in the pilot phase. The efficiency, safety and reactions of employees to the new solution were monitored.

Results and summary:

In the first phase of implementation, Whirlpool decided to introduce additional rules for moving around the plant and reorganized the previous method of positioning materials in the AGV work areas. This had a very positive effect on the efficiency of the implemented vehicles. After implementing autonomous forklifts, a number of potential benefits were noted and it was decided to continue the activities.

Improved efficiency:
The process of moving and storing goods has become much more effective, which translates into the optimization of the internal supply chain.

Improved quality of work of manual operators:
The implementation of AGV increased the care for order in the warehouse and in production, i.e. correct putting of pallets to their destinations and ensuring the passability of aisles, correct arrangement of goods, placing pallets in the wrapping machine.

Reduction of errors:
Automation of the process contributes to reducing the number of accidental damages to transported components.

Necessary changes:

To fully succeed and use all the advantages of transport automation using AGVs, it is necessary to implement organizational changes in the production area so as to minimally disrupt the process carried out by the autonomous AGV

The implementation of AGVs at the Whirlpool plant in Łódź has shown that such an approach increases efficiency, improves the safety and quality of internal processes. This solution turned out to be an important step in the process of planning the optimization of the plant's operation and strengthening the competitive advantage on the market of food packaging manufacturers.

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